Palma Stick Grasshopper

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Palma Stick Grasshopper :: Acrostira euphorbiae
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 015

On today’s show we learn about the Palma Stick Grasshopper, a critically endangered insect native to the Canary Islands, off the Northwest coast of Africa.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (22:59) Citations
  • (24:28) Music
  • (29:04) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

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A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.