A Wandering Daydream is a sound art, broadcast experiment created by new media artist and musician Joshua Dumas. Each episode features a stereophonic field recording of a walk, interspersed with music, poetry, and chatter.

S01E01 To The East River

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Final by Clarice Jensen from The experience of repetition as death
Lavender (Soother) by Jira from Herbal Bath
Meadowsweet (Peacemaker) by Jira from Herbal Bath
Moon View by Emily A. Sprague from Hill, Flower, Fog
Santa Sleeves by The GRAL Brothers from Caravan East
Karku by Qoa from NUYUN
Crows by Sera Cahoone and Tomo Nakayama from Crows (single)
A Restful Place by Cool Maritime from Sharing Waves
Vortex Ring by Steve Roach from Mystic Chords & Sacred Spaces
Physical Description Of The Last Human Beings by Jóhann Jóhannsson from Last And First Men
St. Cloud by Waxahatchee from Saint Cloud
Ketchum, ID by Kate Adams & Nicole Gilbertson from Boygenius cover single