Cuban Crocodile

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Cuban Crocodile :: Crocodylus rhombifer
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 019

On today’s show we learn about the Cuban Crocodile, a critically endangered reptile native to southern Cuba.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (27:57) Citations
  • (29:47) Music
  • (35:32) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Smooth Horsehair Lichen

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Smooth Horsehair Lichen :: Bryoria salazinica
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 018

On today’s show we learn about the Smooth Horsehair Lichen, a critically endangered lichen native to northeastern North American, specifically maritime Canada.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (19:53) Citations
  • (21:27) Music
  • (28:46) Pledge


Research for today’s show was compiled from


Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Orange-bellied Parrot

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Orange-bellied Parrot :: Neophema chrysogaster
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 017

On today’s show we learn about the Orange-bellied Parrot, a critically endangered avian native to the Australian island of Tasmania.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (28:12) Citations
  • (30:05) Music
  • (37:13) Pledge


Research for today’s show was compiled from


Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Sardinian Currant

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sardinian Currant :: Ribes sardoum
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 016

On today’s show we learn about the Sardinian Currant, a critically endangered flowering plant native to the Italian island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (19:02) Citations
  • (20:27) Music
  • (27:04) Pledge


Research for today’s show about the Sardinian Currant was compiled from:


Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.


A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Palma Stick Grasshopper

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Palma Stick Grasshopper :: Acrostira euphorbiae
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 015

On today’s show we learn about the Palma Stick Grasshopper, a critically endangered insect native to the Canary Islands, off the Northwest coast of Africa.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (22:59) Citations
  • (24:28) Music
  • (29:04) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Murray Birch

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Murray Birch :: Betula murrayana
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 014

On today’s show we learn about the Murray Birch, a critically endangered small tree, native to middle North America, specifically southeastern Michigan and southern Ontario.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (12:23) Citations
  • (13:55) Music
  • (26:43) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Principe Scops Owl

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Principe Scops Owl :: Otus bikegila
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 013

The Principe Scops Owl, is a critically endangered avian, native to Principe Island of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, roughly 150 miles off the Western Coast of Africa near Equatorial Guinea.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (14:09) Citations
  • (15:55) Music
  • (29:10) Pledge


Research for today’s show was compiled from


Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Florida Semaphore Cactus

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Florida Semaphore Cactus :: Consolea corallicola
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 012

The Florida Semaphore Cactus is a critically endangered flowering cactus native to southern North America, specifically the Florida Keys, in the United States.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (18:40) Citations
  • (19:58) Music
  • (29:01) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Mariana Crow

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Mariana Crow :: Corvus kubaryi
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 011

The Mariana Crow is a critically endangered avian in the corvus family native to the western Pacific Ocean, to the island of Rota in the United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (27:58) Citations
  • (29:55) Music
  • (42:20) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Beard's Mallee

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Beard’s Mallee :: Eucalyptus beardiana
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 010

The Beard’s Mallee is a critically endangered eucalyptus tree native to Western Australia, near Shark Bay, roughly 350 miles north of Perth.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (17:54) Citations
  • (19:31) Music
  • (26:58) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee :: Bombus affinis
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 009

The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee, is a critically endangered insect, native to North America, mainly in the midwestern United States.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (22:07) Citations
  • (23:40) Music
  • (35:10) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Giant Quiver Tree

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Giant Quiver Tree :: Aloidendron pillansii
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 008

The Giant Quiver Tree, is a large, succulent tree native to the southwestern African continent, specifically the arid west of the country of South Africa and the rugged mountains of southern Namibia.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (17:07) Citations
  • (18:42) Music
  • (31:04) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Axolotl :: Ambystoma mexicanum
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 007

The Axolotl is a critically endangered amphibian native to southern North America, in Mexico City, Mexico.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (20:01) Citations
  • (21:29) Music
  • (32:12) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from:

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Underground Orchid

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Underground Orchid :: Rhizanthella gardneri
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 006

The Underground Orchid is a critically endangered flowering plant, native to Western Australia.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (15:33) Citations
  • (16:33) Music
  • (28:34) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Sumatran Rhinoceros

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sumatran Rhinoceros :: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
Bad at Goodbyes : Episode 005

The Sumatran Rhinoceros is a critically endangered mammal native to Southeast Asia, specifically Indonesia.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (15:57) Rhino Singing!
  • (28:53) Citations
  • (30:40) Music
  • (39:23) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Jellyfish Tree

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Jellyfish Tree :: Medusagyne oppositifolia
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 004

The Jellyfish Tree is a critically endangered tropical tree native to the Seychelles Islands, in the Indian Ocean, roughly 900 miles east of the African continent.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (22:43) Citations
  • (24:29) Music
  • (33:13) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Red Wolf

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Red Wolf :: Canis rufus
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 003

The Red Wolf is a critically endangered mammal native to southeastern North America, specifically the coast of North Carolina.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (29:06) Citations
  • (30:46) Music
  • (41:47) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Chinese Swamp Cypress

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Chinese Swamp Cypress :: Glyptostrobus pensilis
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 002

The Chinese Swamp Cypress is a critically endangered conifer native to southeast Asia, specifically south and southeastern China, Laos, and southern Vietnam.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (23:05) Citations
  • (24:50) Music
  • (32:56) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other, and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Sinai Baton Blue

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sinai Baton Blue Butterfly :: Pseudophilotes sinaicus
Bad at Goodbyes :: Episode 001

The Sinai Baton Blue is a critically endangered butterfly native to north east Africa, specifically the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

  • (00:05) Intro
  • (02:05) Species Information
  • (23:30) Citations
  • (24:56) Music
  • (33:44) Pledge

Research for today’s show was compiled from

Please find us on the web at Bad at Goodbyes and on instagram. Please subscribe and rate/review Bad at Goodbyes Bad at Goodbyes wherever you listen to podcasts. Please help spread the word about the show, and about the species we feature. Please take care of each other and all of our fellow travelers.

A note on accuracy: I strive for it! These episodes are well-researched and built from scholarly sources, hoping to provide an informed and accurate portrait of these species. That said, I’m an ambient musician! I am not an academic and have limited scientific background. I may get things wrong! If you are using this podcast for scholarship of any kind, please see the cited sources and double-check all information.

Bad at Goodbyes Trailer

Thursday, September 19, 2024