A ten minute dance film by Rebecca Fitton. A satirical take on the presence of democracy’s performance in her work as a “dance maker.” Dance, diagram, audio description and sound layer in a machine-processed edit. Video/sound glitch code by Joshua Dumas.
Best Practices
36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea
In 36.5 / A Durational Performance with the Sea (2013-2022), Sarah Cameron Sunde stands in a tidal bay for a full tidal cycle as water engulfs her body and then reveals it again. The 12 hour video documentation is scored by Joshua Dumas.
Refraction Series
An NFT gallery of glitch work exploring place through databending, data moshing, pixel sorting and artificial refraction.
Night Songs for the Birds of North America
A four-channel audio composition, by Joshua Dumas, exploring translation, memory, and avian mass extinction in the Anthropocene, installed in the Lincoln Park Conservatory’s Fern Room, curated by Experimental Sound Studio.
Chicago Avenue Moon
Chicago Avenue Moon is a responsive, generative music app that uses a set of variables including date, time, phase of the moon, and GPS location, to determine how its music unfolds, in real-time.
the Floodplain
A multichannel sound-and-video installation that explores the history of flooding in Iowa City.
Reading White Pines
A multi-artist installation created and curated by Katie Hargrave in the Porch Gallery at the University of Iowa. Joshua Dumas and Carl Sweets collaborated to create this photographic triptych for the show.
The City in Which
The City in Which is an expanded cinema project based on Chicago poet Li-Young Lee’s “The City In Which I Love You”.
Arc Lit
Handmade book of portraits: photographs of projections on people, by Joshua Dumas